Access Gallery is excited to present Carved Impressions, a new exhibition to celebrate Colorado’s Month of Printmaking featuring new printmaking works by a group of Access Gallery artists. The public is invited to join Access Gallery for an interactive artmaking event on Friday, March 15 from 6 PM - 8 PM. Access Gallery will host an artist talk and hands-on demonstration of tabletop letterpress led by Victoria Adams-Kotsch. Discover the fascinating history of letterpress printing and try your hand at pulling prints on our vintage C&P Pilot (6.5 x 10) platen press. Immerse yourself in the rhythmic dance of type and paper during this engaging event—an exploration where history meets hands-on creativity. All are welcome to join us for an unforgettable encounter with the timeless magic of letterpress! An ASL interpreter will be present at this event and all Third Friday events at the gallery.
In the fall of 2023, teaching artist Victoria Adams-Kotsch worked with Access artists in a variety of printmaking processes including gel plate monotypes, polystyrene tile printing, monotypes on plexiglass, letterpress, linocut reduction printing, jigsaw linocut, and multi-block linocut techniques.
The resulting artworks explore a variety of subjects including flora and fauna, fashion, solitary objects, and gender non-conformity. Through this collective body of work, audiences are invited to see nature and ponder the human condition from the artists’ perspectives. The exhibition will be on view from March 1 - March 31 and is free and open to the public. The exhibition will open during Denver’s Art District on Santa Fe’s First Friday Art Walk on Friday, March 1.
Participating Artists: Allie Gestner, Blossom, Brittany Murdock, Enchanted Dichotomy, Erik Hoy, Heather H., Rebecca Petty, Skylar K.
Teaching Artist: Victoria Adams-Kotsch