Access Gallery is excited to present Carved Impressions, a new exhibition to celebrate Colorado’s Month of Printmaking featuring new printmaking works by a group of Access Gallery artists. In the fall of 2023, teaching artist Victoria Adams-Kotsch worked with Access artists in a variety of printmaking processes including gel plate monotypes, polystyrene tile printing, monotypes on plexiglass, letterpress, linocut reduction printing, jigsaw linocut, and multi-block linocut techniques.
The resulting artworks explore a variety of subjects including flora and fauna, fashion, solitary objects, and gender non-conformity. Through this collective body of work, audiences are invited to see nature and ponder the human condition from the artists’ perspectives. The exhibition will be on view from March 1 - March 30 and is free and open to the public.
Participating Artists: Allie Gestner, Blossom, Brittany Murdock, Enchanted Dichotomy, Erik Hoy, Heather H., Rebecca Petty, Skylar K.
Teaching Artist: Victoria Adams-Kotsch