Terry Decker and Lydia Riegle will give Artist Talks on their process and inspiration in creating their work on Sunday, November 10 from 1:30–2:30 p.m.
Gems of the West, The Paint Mines, Calhan, Colorado by Terry Decker
In the solo exhibition, “Gems of the West, The Paint Mines, Calhan, Colorado”, Terry Decker presents a continuation of his photographic exploration using expansive space and chromatic aberration to create distinctive fantasy landscapes. These panoramas open themselves up, make themselves vulnerable and encourage the viewer to do the same. Some people viewing the work may experience a physical reaction to the wider range of sensations and shared experiences.
The main focus of this body of work by Terry Decker is pictorial panoramic landscape.
Over the years, Terry has changed from a traditional camera to a digital camera. He utilizes multiple photograph panoramas, image manipulation and abandons “true color fidelity” to create a unique visual pictorial panoramic landscape that is striking in presentation and acts as a catalyst to trigger the viewer to see nature’s landscape from a new perception.
Decker graduated from Metropolitan State University with a BA Degree in Fine Arts, after serving in the United States Air Force and receiving a Engineering Drafting Degree from Denver Institute of Technology. He is inspired by the Colorado landscape and the remnants of the Paint Mines of Calhan Colorado.
Soulprint by Lydia Riegle
In the solo exhibition, “Soulprint”, Lydia Riegle offers new works that are indicative of how an artist can absorb a universe of visual images and impressions through time to arrive at a personal vision. Through trial and error, the work of hand and eye, Riegle begins with raw material, editing, altering, and distilling, to create work that expresses both the open moment and the fruit of realization.
This body of work presents a summer filled with blue; the blue skies of day, of night, of dreams, of wanderings in the wide-open spaces of the heart as well as the mind. Riegle’s desire is to reach beyond the boundaries of the present, material existence, to explore through paint, printmaking, line, and color the stuff of dreams. The result takes the viewer to that place where the strip of reflection between the sky and earth brings clarity and exposes the ambiguity of how dreams become more real.
Riegle combines a Degree in International Studies with an emphasis in Latin American Studies from the University of Colorado Denver and her experiences at art classes at the Art Students League of Denver to create her personal perspective towards her art making.
The juxtaposition of both solo exhibitions provides a unique experience to explore the inner dimensions of art making through both photography and printmaking.
Gallery Hours are Thursdays, noon to 5 p.m., Fridays, noon to 9 p.m., Saturdays, noon to 5 p.m., and Sundays, 1 p.m to 4 p.m.